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Thursday, 19 March 2009

DBSK dan SHINEe Tampil di "2009 Sparkling Concert in Seoul"

DBSK dan SHINEe Tampil di "2009 Sparkling Concert in Seoul"

Waktu: 11 s/d 12 april 2009
Tempat: Olympic Park Gymnastics Arena
Tanggal 11: Shin Hye Sung, F.T Island, Big Bang, SG Wannabe
Tanggal 12: Lee Min Woo, SHINEe, DBSK, Lee Jee Hoon, YURI dll

Source: DNBN
Chinese trans: 闪耀星球
Posted at: Hobbs
Founder + Chinese - Indo trans: Misu@TVXQIndo.com

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