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Hello my visitera.. I'm so sorry because I dont have time to update this blog again... I have new blog about myself... Visit this, ok? My 2nd blog
DBSK/TVXQ/Tohoshinki DBSK leader Yunho has is mourning deeply for the passing of "The King of Pop" Michael Jackson.
Yunho expressed on his web blog on June 26th through a short entry, to mourn for Michael Jackson who passed away the day before.
Yunho said "When I heard the news about Michael Jackson's passing, I felt really saddened, he was one of my inspirational teachers, please rest in peace, 'Smooth Criminal'"
Yunho wrote these words to express his sadness and mourning.
TVXQ, who are releasing their 28th Single “Stand by You” on July 1st, are also going to perform at Tokyo Dome on July 4th and 5th, the dream that the 5 of them share.
Q: Your favourite song. JS: “Forever Love” I have recently gotten addicted to it again as it makes me feel sad whenever I listen to it. YH: “We Are!” The lyrics of the song are similar to my dreams – to be like a pirate just like the show “One Piece!”
Q: Since the male lead in the song is one who is unable to let go of the shawdow of the past, are all the members like that too? JJ: Although I’m not that kind of person, I believe the other person would not be too. There are those kind of people who are fine with being friends after the break-up and there are those who pretend that the other person does not exist. Actually, it sometimes depends on the other person’s reaction. YH: I am that kind of person, unable to walk out of the past and that is also why I would work extra hard just to forget the other person and like this song alot. YC: Same here! (Shakes hand with YH) CM: Even if that’s the case, I believe time can heal all wounds so the issue will be dealt with anyway. YC: From a certain angle, I really don’t wish to walk out of broken love. It’s not that I want to be together with the other person again but instead, letting the hurt be one of my possessions – keeping it with me forever. JS: It’s too deep for me.
Q: So what about JS? JS: Of course after breaking up, we would be unable to walk out of it however, even if it is serious, the courage to walk infront would be present but before that, it would definitely feel sad.
Q: Although everyone has their own opinions, but in order for all 5 of you to be able to hold deep emotions for “Stand by You”, all 5 of you should have gone through similar experiences? YH: Yep.
Q: So then, the coupling song for “Stand by You” is “Tea For Two”. This song changes the atmosphere and gives off a feeling full of happiness. YH: We have to enjoy ourselves while performing as well! Placing a happy song before a sad song does make us feel slightly happier.
Q: Then could you tell us a moment of happiness for you guys? YH: I feel the most happy while standing on a stage. I feel excited and there’s always a feeling for charging to the top. When I’m one the stage, I forget everything else and feel very happy. CM: I think listening to music while bathing is a very relaxing thing. JJ: I also think that standing on the stage is the happiest moment. At first I do feel abit nervous but towards the end, when we greet the audiences, I start to see the many expressions on the fans faces. There are smiles, tears but is during that moment that I feel the most fortunate. JS: I know! It is when I’m walking backstage after the concert. It mixes my sense of satisfaction and a pang of loneliness. But when I hear that I can rest, I feel much happier. YC: Then it has to be when I’m eating Ramen.
Q: Ramen? YC: Being able to eat nice delicious ramen, with a nice fragance to it. That’s fortunate.
Q: (Laughs) So in the song “Tea For Two” lyrics, there was a part on the “importance of existence”. To all of you, what is your definition of the “importance of existence”? YH: Groupmates. YC: No matter who you ask, the answer will be the same. But to all of us, the relationship between each of us is the most important.
Q: This is indeed a very rare relationship. You have also included “Sky”, a song that perks up the audience during performances. I can feel the anticipation building in me for your performances. I believe this is connected to Tokyo Dome. YH: Indeed. A performance that we will never forget and that is full of anticipation. JS: Actually, the fact that we are being able to perform in Tokyo Dome already gave us a shock.
Q: Oh really? I thought you guys had the confidence that you might be able to do this some time. JS: We never thought of it. Although we had the dream, but it was just a dream.